Conference Organisers

Climate-Smart Solutions for Tropical Mountain Environments: Research, Innovation and Policy for Building Inclusive and Resilient Societies. Below is the list of all committee members for this conference.

Mwenge Catholic University Mwecau

University Leuven (KU Leuven),

University of Antwerp, (more…)

Technical University Dresden (TU Dresden),

Forest, Nature and Landscape, (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

The Nelson Mandela-African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), (more…)

University of Leuven, (more…)

University of Leuven, (more…)

Moshi Co-operative University, (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

University of Leuven, (more…)

SSSEA/Busitema University, (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

University of Bayreuth Germany, (more…)

University of Leuven, (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University, (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University, (more…)

Tanzania Forestry Research Institute, (more…)

Sokoine University of Agriculture, (more…)

TARI Ilonga Centre, (more…)

TARI Mlingano Centre, (more…)

Institute of Resource Assessment, (more…)

AGROLAB Agrar und Umwelt GmbH (more…)

Kilimanjaro National Park (KINAPA), (more…)

SSSEA/Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO), (more…)

SSSEA/Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO), (more…)

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, (more…)

Ifakara Health Research Institute, (more…)

University of Embu (more…)

Sokoine University of Agriculture, (more…)