
25-29 July 2022


Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU)


245 Tickets


Keynote Speakers


Climate-Smart Solutions for Tropical Mountain Environments: Research, Innovation and Policy for Building Inclusive and Resilient Societies


Tropical mountains are crucial in building resilient landscapes. Their favourable conditions in terms of climate and soil translate into a high need for provisioning ecosystem services, while they are also crucial in regulating downstream processes such as clean water supply. Mountainous environments in the tropics are also most vulnerable to land degradation and climate change, yet remain understudied. Research and innovation into climate-smart and inclusive solutions for the world’s tropical mountains will therefore be crucial for securing livelihoods and ecosystem services.

The conference is held in North-East (NE) Tanzania, home to a variety of mountainous systems, from the highest African volcano to Precambrian Block Mountains. NE Tanzania is an excellent example of how societies can enable or prevent land degradation: some of its land-use systems, such as the Kihamba home gardens, have been recognised by FAO as a ‘Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS)’ and ‘Climate-smart agriculture success story’, while severe land degradation still continues in other sites. Hence, to address these challenges in mountainous environment, the Conference mostly welcomes environmental and social scientists, educationists, planners, policy makers, land use and health organizations interested in research and innovations to support climate-smart environmental programmes in the tropics which  are inline with the conference objectives as mentioned below.


  1. Disseminate and discuss current research on climate-smart solutions for the tropics
  2. Connect scientists and policy makers from multiple disciplines on the issue of resilience in tropical mountain environments
  3. Evaluate human actions in their living environment as mitigators or amplifiers of future climate challenges.
  4. Advocate the need for including the situation of vulnerable groups and persons with special needs into land restoration designs.
  5. Determine roadways to inclusive and sustainable rural development programmes
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conference theme 1
conference theme 2
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conference theme 4

Conference Themes

Main Theme

Climate-Smart Solutions for Tropical Mountain Environments: Research, Innovation and Policy for Building Inclusive and Resilient Societies.


  1. The role of tropical mountains in Global Challenges and Global Solutions
  2. Drivers of land dynamics in tropical mountain environments
  3. Building resilience through climate-smart agriculture: what have we learned so far?
  4. The role of tropical forests and conservation areas in building sustainable provision of ecosystem services for all
  5. Mainstreaming equity, diversity and inclusion in management and rehabilitation of the land
  6. Translating innovation into effective solutions and policies with local communities
  7. Expanding Education Access, Openness and Flexibility
  8. Management strategies for reducing agro-pesticides hazards in tropical mountain environments

Conference Schedule & Venue

Conference Venue

The five-day conference (25-29 July 2022) will take place at Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. MWECAU is a private Higher Learning Institution located in the urban setting of the Moshi Municipal on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. It is situated about 35 kilometres East of Kilimanjaro International Airport and 550 kilometres North of Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam.

All events during the time of conference are arranged and scheduled . Click below link for your reference document.


All events during the time of conference are arranged and scheduled . Click below link for your reference document.

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Conference Schedule 

The International on Climate-Smart Solutions for Tropical Mountain Environments: Research, Innovation and Policy for Building Inclusive and Resilient Societies will be conducted in 5 days from 08:30am to 05:30pm.

Types of Presentation

  1. Oral Paper Presentation
  2. Poster Presentation
  3. Expert Lectures

Schedule for this conference will be communicated soon…

Conference Partners / Partner institutions & professional societies

Conference excursion / Mid & Post-Conference excursion

Option one (Mid-Conference excursion)

One day trip excursion to Mount Kilimanjaro National Park (Mandara Hut) will be organised. Participants will be picked up in the morning from the accommodation centres in Moshi Municipal with a one-hour drive to the Kilimanjaro National Park main entrance Gate (Marangu Gate, 1860 m asl). On the way participants will see different land uses and biodiversity, a typical characteristic of multi-storey agro-forestry farming system (Chagga Home Garden). At the Kilimanjaro National Park main Gate, participants will be introduced to the history of the area, tropical mountain climate, ecology and biodiversity (flora and fauna). Soon after the introductions, participants will start hiking through the dense Kilimanjaro rainforest. Alongside the impressive tropical vegetation, participants will have the chance to catch a glimpse of Mt. Kilimanjaro, animals and bird species. After a 3-4 hour hike in tropical rain forest, participants will reach Mandara Hut (2700 m asl), where they will have a well-earned rest and lunch. After lunch they will have a chance to visit Maundi Crater (15 minutes walk), where they can see and enjoy wonderful views of Mount Kilimanjaro, Northern Tanzania and Kenya. More details on the tour will be given in the tour guide book.

Option two (Post Conference excursion)

A one-day post conference excursion will involve visiting living lab (LiveLabLink) project site at Mwenge Catholic University and appreciate the soils and biodiversity conservation in the adapted Kihamba System adjacent to an old historical Coffee Estate. Later on the participants will visit community Chagga home gardens at Marangu-Kilema villages on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. The participants will be able to see the original set-up of the Kihamba farming system in real time and space, cultural heritage (ancient church, beautiful scenery water falls, and the first coffee tree species (Arabica) in East Africa). Participants will also have an opportunity to see the panoramic view of the glaciers of Mount Kilimanjaro. This option will enable participants to experience and learn heritage conservation, agroforestry, community-based climate adaptation strategies and ecotourism.

Conference Organisers

Forest, Nature and Landscape, (more…)

The Nelson Mandela-African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), (more…)

University Leuven (KU Leuven),

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University Mwecau

Technical University Dresden (TU Dresden),

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

University of Antwerp, (more…)

Scientific Committee

University of Leuven, (more…)

University of Leuven, (more…)

Moshi Co-operative University, (more…)

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), (more…)

See all members

Conference and excursion fees / perfect price for conference & excursion

The Conference fees include registration, refreshments, lunch and book of abstracts. The excursion fee is all-in.

 Please place your payment on following Bank account numbers:

  1. USD ACC NO: 0250039285600
  2. TZS ACC NO: 0150039285603

Name of the account holder: Mwenge Catholic University

Bank address: CRDB BANK PLC, P.O. BOX, 1302 MOSHI, TANZANIA;


Bank and branch number (Sort Code): 3304

Please, on the transfer note/pay slip indicate the following details: MWECAU International Conference 2022.

Late conference registration

Pay $/ TZS

East Africans TZS 250,000
Others US $ 200
East African Students TZS 150,000
Other students US $ 150

Conference excursion

Pay $/ TZS

East Africans TZS 100,000
Others US $ 150
East African Students TZS 50,000
Other students US $ 100

Conference Accommodation

There are several hotels within Moshi Municipality. However, the conference organizers will not cater for accommodation, but double and single rooms can be pre-reserved at Uhuru Hotel, which is located 5.1 km south of the conference venue. The Conference Organizers will assist the participants in making hotel bookings. For other places of accommodation, please visit and see options available at Moshi Municipal. The costs for accommodation in Moshi Municipality range from US$10-150.  Alternatively, contact the conference organisers in case you need assistance in hotel booking through;

Open Booking

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS / Climate-Smart Solutions for Tropical Mountain Environments

The Conference Secretariat invites the submission of abstracts. Abstracts should be submitted by the deadlines for consideration. The abstracts for paper presentation should have the following structure:

  1. Short title, authors’ names and affiliations (list multiple affiliations one below the other) and mark each with a superscript “1” “2”, etc.
  2. Mark the name of the corresponding author with an asterisk (*).
  3. Provide Email address of the corresponding author.
  4. The abstract should not exceed 300 words in correct English.
  5. Font style and size should be Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1.5, in continuous text without subtitles or paragraph numbering.
  6. The abstracts will be reviewed for acceptance by the Scientific Committee, and on acceptance, be inserted in the book of abstracts.

Likewise, abstracts for poster presentation can be submitted under the same conditions, but the abstracts should be limited to 250 words. The posters should be in A1 format and of sufficient layout and graphical quality.

Submission of Full Papers for Proceedings publication

Authors of accepted abstracts will be required to submit full papers which will be peer reviewed for publication in the edited Conference Proceedings.

Special issue for publication

High quality papers will be selected by the Conference Organisers for special issue Journal publication.


  • Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15th January, 2022
  • Notification of abstract acceptance 15th February, 2022
  • Full Paper submission 31st May, 2022
  • Early bird registration: 15th March, 2022
  • Ultimate registration: 31st  May, 2022
Submit Abstract

Contact Us / Conference Secretariat

All conference emails, enquiries and correspondences that include submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentation and full papers should be sent to

Mwenge Catholic University

P.O. Box, 1226, Moshi, Tanzania

Phone +255 272974110

Mobile: +255 754575526/+255755547595/+255784520466
